About Oolong Tea

“Oolong teas are partially oxidised teas, which range in oxidisation from a pale green coloured oolong (light oxidization) to a darker brown coloured oolong (roasted style). Oolongs can be found in a ball shape or a twisted leaf, or open leaf, and they can also be baked. It is one of the most complex of tea categories as far as the amount of varying flavours is concerned. Due to the large number of oolongs available, they are an interesting category to create blends from. The tastes can vary—vegetal, fruity, chocolatey, nutty, for example.”

Oolong has two main types ball rolled and light oxidization and strip style and darker oxidisation. The ball rolled type has predominantly light green tea notes spilling over with floral and vegetal flavours. The darker strip style oolong has characteristics of chocolate and toasty notes, both worth the experience.

Flavour profile of oolong tea:
The tastes can vary from vegetal, fruity, chocolatey and nutty

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