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Japanese Tea Cultivars Listing

Japan has developed an extremely wide variety of tea cultivars, especially sencha. Through this list we can also see that although green tea is mainly developed in Japan today, the country does indeed have a past history of producing black and oolong teas as well.

Tip 1: Trying to search the internet in Japanese with just kanji, but keep getting Chinese-language results? Try adding とは to the end of your all-kanji search terms.

Tip 2: Despite most cultivars having kanji, they are usually written with hiragana only. You’re likely to get more accurate results by searching using the hiragana and adding characters like 茶 (tea, ちゃ) and 品種 (variety, ひんしゅ). E.g., やぶきた茶品種 (yabukita cha hinshu).


FCC indicates that the cultivar was registered as a Forestry Certified Cultivar (農林認定品種) under the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) (農林水産省).

SSLRC indicates that the cultivar was registered as a Seed and Seedling Law Registered Cultivar (種苗法登録品種).

Japanese Tea Cultivar List

Image Name Japanese Rough Translation / Name Meaning Date of Reg. Used For
Akane あかね【茜】 Red-coloured 1953 FCC Black Tea
Asagiri あさぎり【朝霧】 Morning Mist 1954 FCC Gyokuro
Asahi あさひ【朝日】 Morning Sun Unregistered
Asanoka あさのか【朝のか】 Asanoka Tea 1996 SSLRC
Asatsuyu あさつゆ【朝露】 Morning Dew 1953 FCC Sencha
Benifuji べにふじ【紅富士】 Red Fuji 1960 FCC Black Tea
Benihikari べにひかり【紅光】 Red Light 1969 FCC Black Tea
Benihomare べにほまれ【紅誉】 Red Honour 1953 FCC Black Tea
Benikaori べにかおり【紅香り】 Red Fragrance 1960 FCC Black Tea
Alt: Benifuuki or Benifuki
べにふうき【紅富貴】 Red Riches 1993 FCC
1995 SSLRC
Black Tea, Oolong Tea
Benitachiwase べにたちわ
Red Early Standing Bud 1953 FCC Black Tea
Chachūkanbohonnō 1
Alt: Chachuukanbohonnou 1 or Chachukanbohonno 1
Intermediate Mother Tea [Tree] Agriculture #1 1992 SSLRC
Chachuukanbohonnō 2
Alt: Chachuukanbohonnou 2 or Chachukanbohonno 2
Intermediate Mother Tea [Tree] Agriculture #2 1998 SSLRC
Chachuukanbohonnō 3
Alt: Chachuukanbohonnou 3 or Chachukanbohonno 3
Intermediate Mother Tea [Tree] Agriculture #3 2002 SSLRC
Chachuukanbohonnō 4
Alt: Chachuukanbohonnou 4 or Chachukanbohonno 4
Intermediate Mother Tea [Tree] Agriculture #4 2008 SSLRC
Chachuukanbohonnō 5
Alt: Chachuukanbohonnou 5 or Chachukanbohonno 5
Intermediate Mother Tea [Tree] Agriculture #5 2008 SSLRC
Chachuukanbohonnō 6
Alt: Chachuukanbohonnou 6 or Chachukanbohonno 6
Intermediate Mother Tea [Tree] Agriculture #6 2008 SSLRC
Fujikaori ふじかおり【藤香り】 Wisteria Aroma 1996 SSLRC
Fukumidori ふくみどり【福みどり】 Green Fortune 1986 FCC
1988 SSLRC
Fūshun ふうしゅん【富春】 Rich Spring 1991 FCC
1993 SSLRC
Harumidori はるみどり Spring Green 2000 FCC
2003 SSLRC
New leaves of Harumoegi Japanese tea cultivar from AgriKnowledge Harumoegi はるもえぎ【春萌え木】 Spring Young Bud 2003 FCC
2006 SSLRC
New leaves of Harunonagori Japanese tea cultivar from AgriKnowledge Harunonagori はるのなごり【春の名残】 Relic of Spring 2012 FCC
2012 SSLRC
Hatsumidori はつみどり【初緑】 First Green 1954 FCC Sencha
Hatsumomiji はつもみじ【初紅葉】 First Autumn Leaf 1953 FCC Black Tea
Himemidori ひめみどり【姫緑】 Princess Green 1960 FCC Gyokuro
Hokumei ほくめい【北名】 Famous North 1992 FCC
1995 SSLRC
Alt: Hourainishiki or Horainishiki
ほうらいにしき 2008 SSLRC
Hoshinomidori ほしのみどり【星の緑】 Green Star 1981 SSLRC
Alt: Houshun or Hoshun
ほうしゅん【鳳春】 Spring Phoenix 2006 SSLRC Matcha
Inaguchi いなぐち Named after a Mr. Inaguchi, the private producer who selected the tea. 1988 SSLRC Sencha
Indo いんど 1953 FCC Black Tea
Izumi いずみ Spring Tea / Fountain Tea 1960 FCC Kamairi Tamaryokucha, Black Tea, Oolong Tea, Sencha
kanayaibuki かなやいぶき【金谷息吹】 Kanaya Vitality. Kanaya is the name of a past town in Shizuoka which has become part of the city of Shimada. 2009 SSLRC
Kanayahomare かなやほまれ【金谷誉】 Kanaya Honour. Kanaya is the name of a past town in Shizuoka which has become part of the city of Shimada. 2009 SSLRC
Kanayamidori かなやみどり【金谷緑】 Kanaya Green. Kanaya is the name of a past town in Shizuoka which has become part of the city of Shimada. 1970 FCC Sencha
Alt: Kibounome or Kibonome
きぼうのめ【希望の芽】 Bud of Hope 2013 SSLRC
Kiraka きらか【きら香】 Kira (possibly Sparkling) Fragrance 2006 SSLRC
Kirari31 きらり31 Kirari (onomatopoeia for a momentary flash of light) 31 2016 SSLRC
Alt: Koushun or Koshun
こうしゅん【香駿】 Swift Incense 2000 SSLRC
Koyanishi こやにし【小屋西】 West Hut Tea 1953 FCC Sencha
Alt: Kyoumidori or Kyomidori
きょうみどり【京緑】 Kyoto Green 1954 FCC Gyokuro, Tencha
Makinoharawase まきのはらわ
Makinohara (city in Shizuoka) Early Bud 1953 FCC Sencha
Mantennokagayaki まんてんのかがやき
Brilliance of the Sky 2015 SSLRC
Marishi まりし【摩利支】 Marishi (Buddhist Deity) 1996 SSLRC
Midorinohoshi みどりのほし【緑の星】 Green Star 2001 SSLRC
Meiryoku めいりょく【茗緑】 Green Tea. Mei is an additional word for tea, ryoku is an additional word for green (and bears the same kanji), see ryokucha. 1986 FCC
1987 SSLRC
*Meiryokuhō 1
Alt: Meiryokuhou 1 or Meiryokuho 1
Green Tea Type 1. Mei is an additional word for tea, ryoku is an additional word for green (and bears the same kanji), see ryokucha. 1996 SSLRC
Mieuejima みえうえじま【三重上嶋】 Named after its creator, Mr. Uejima of Mie Prefecture. 2003 SSLRC
Minamikaori みなみかおり【南香り】 South Aroma 1988 FCC
1990 SSLRC
Minamisayaka みなみさやか
Known by kana only.
Clean South (alt: Fresh South, Bright South) 1991 FCC
1994 SSLRC
Sencha, Black Tea
Minekaori みねかおり【峰香り】 Summit Aroma 1988 FCC
1990 SSLRC
Mineyutaka みねゆたか【峰豊】 Summit Abundance 1996 SSLRC
Miyamakaori みやまかおり【深山香り】 Aroma of the Mountain Recess 2003 FCC
2006 SSLRC
Miyoshi みよし 1953 FCC Sencha
Musashikaori むさしかおり Musashi Aroma. Musashi is a former province consisting of parts of Tokyo, Saitama, and Kanagawa in the present day. 1997 FCC
2001 SSLRC
New leaves of Nagomiyutaka Japanese tea cultivar from AgriKnowledge Nagomiyutaka なごみゆたか【和み豊】 Relaxed Abundance 2012 FCC
2012 SSLRC
Kamairicha, Sencha
Nanmei ねんめい【南茗】 South Tea 2012 FCC
2014 SSLRC
Narino なりの 2002 SSLRC Matcha
Natsumidori なつみどり【夏緑】 Summer Green 1954 FCC Sencha
Okuharuka おくはるか【奥春香】 Interior (Late-Budding) Spring Fragrance 2015 SSLRC
Okuhikari おくひかり【奥光】 Interior (Late-Budding) Light 1987 SSLRC
Okumidori おくみどり【奥緑】 Interior (Late-Budding) Green 1974 FCC Sencha
Okumusashi おくむさし【奥武蔵】 Interior (Late-Budding) Musashi. Musashi is a former province consisting of parts of Tokyo, Saitama, and Kanagawa in the present day. 1962 FCC Sencha
Okunoyama おくのやま【奥の山】 Interior (Late-Budding) of the Mountain 2002 SSLRC Matcha
Okuyutaka おくゆたか【奥豊】 Interior (Late-Budding) Abundance 1983 FCC
1983 SSLRC
Alt: Rokurou or Rokuro
Kanji not in use.
Unknown, appears to be a name. 1953 FCC Sencha
New leaves of Ryoufuu Japanese tea cultivar from AgriKnowledge Ryōfū
Alt: Ryoufuu or Ryofu
りょうふう【涼風】 Cool Breeze 1997 FCC
2001 SSLRC
Alt: Ryokufuu or Ryokufu
りょくふう【緑風】 Green Breeze 2002 SSLRC
New leaves of Saeakari Japanese tea cultivar from AgriKnowledge Saeakari さえあかり【冴え明かり】 Clear Glow 2011 FCC
2012 SSLRC
Saemidori さえみどり【冴え緑】 Green Clarity 1990 FCC
1991 SSLRC
Sagarahikari さがらひかり【相良光】 Sagara (name) Light 1998 SSLRC
Sagarakaori さがらかおり【相良香り】 Sagara (name) Aroma 2000 SSLRC
Sagaramidori さがらみどり【相良緑】 Sagara (name) Green 1998 SSLRC
Sagarawase さがらわせ【相良早生】 Sagara (name) Early Bud 2000 SSLRC
New leaves of Sainomidori Japanese tea cultivar from AgriKnowledge Sainomidori さいのみどり【埼の緑】
Kanji not in use.
Saitama’s Green (This is a best guess, as the cultivar originated in Saitama Prefecture.) 2003 FCC
2006 SSLRC
New leaves of Sakimidori Japanese tea cultivar from AgriKnowledge Sakimidori さきみどり【幸緑】 Green Harvest 1997 FCC
2001 SSLRC
Alt: Satouwase or Satowase
さとうわせ【佐藤早生】 Sugar Early Bud 1986 SSLRC
Satsumabeni さつまべに Satsuma Red. Satsuma is a former province in present-day west Kagoshima prefecture. 1960 FCC Black Tea
Sawamizuka さわみずか
Kanji not in use.
“Sawa” likely refers to a mountain stream or wetlands. “Mizu” as a word part often refers to things relating to water. 1995 SSLRC
Sayamakaori さやまかおり Sayama Aroma 1971 FCC Sencha
Sayamamidori さやまみどり Sayama Green 1953 FCC Sencha
Seimei せいめい Clean / Pure Tea. Note: The first kanji character can also refer to the Qing Dynasty of China, and this choice seems to have been deliberate. 2017 FCC Sencha
Shizu-7132 しず7132
Shizuoka #7132 Unregistered
Shizukaori しずかおり Shizuoka Aroma 2015 SSLRC
Alt: Shouju or Shoju
しょうじゅ【松寿】 Inspired by Shōjuin, a chief of the island of Tanegoshima (where this tea was created) in feudal times. 1996 SSLRC
Shunmei しゅんめい [unknown] Tea 1988 FCC
1990 SSLRC
Alt: Shuntarou or Shuntaro
しゅんたろう 2009 FCC
2011 SSLRC
New leaves of Soufuu Japanese tea cultivar from AgriKnowledge Sōfū
Alt: Soufuu or Sofu
そうふう【蒼風】 Green Wind 2002 FCC
2005 SSLRC
Sencha, Kamairicha, Oolong Tea
Sunrouge サンルージュ
Not a Japanese word.
Red Sun (rouge is red in French) 2009 FCC
2011 SSLRC
Takachiho たかちほ【高千穂】
Kanji not in use except when referring to the city of Takachiho.
Named after Takachiho Town in Miyazaki Prefecture. 1953 FCC Kamairicha
Takanawase たかなわせ [unknown] Early Bud 1985 SSLRC
Tamamidori たまみどり
Green Jewel 1953 FCC Tamaryokucha, Sencha
Alt: Tenmyou or Tenmyo
てんみょう【天明】 Many possible translations. Could be “Sky Mantra”, “Wisdom of God”, “God’s Mantra”, or perhaps “Wisdom of the Heavens”

“天”, or ten, usually refers to the sky, heaven, or God. “明”, or myou, may refer to mantra, wisdom, or the Ming Dynasty.

2006 SSLRC Matcha
Terakawawase てらかわわせ【寺川早生】 Terakawa Early Bud. Named after Toshio Terakawa, who registered the cultivar. 1990 SSLRC Matcha
Toyoka とよか Unknown 1976 FCC Sencha
Tsukasamidori つかさみどり May be “Green Hill” or “Chief Green”. 1984 SSLRC
Tsuyuhikari つゆひかり【露光】 Dew Light 2003 SSLRC
Ujihikari うじひかり【宇治光】 Uji Light. Uji is a city in Kyoto. Unregistered
Unkai うんかい【雲海】 Sea of Clouds 1969 FCC Kamairicha
Yabukita やぶきた【藪北】 North Bush 1953 FCC Sencha
Yaeho やえほ【八重穂】 Too many possible translations. See 八重穂 on Jisho. 1954 FCC Sencha, Gyokuro
Yamakai やまかい【山峡】 Mountain Ravine Unregistered
Yamanoibuki やまのいぶき【山の息吹】 Breath of the Mountain 1997 SSLRC
Yamanami やまなみ
Known by kana only.
Mountain Wave 1965 FCC Kamairicha, Black Tea
Yamanoibuki やまのいぶき【山の息吹】 Vitality of the Mountain 1997 SSLRC
Yamatomidori やまとみどり【大和緑】 Yamato Green. “Yamato” is the name of a former province in present-day Nara Prefecture, but also refers to ancient Japan. 1953 FCC Sencha
New leaves of Yumekaori Japanese tea cultivar from AgriKnowledge Yumekaori ゆめかおり【夢香り】 Dreamy Aroma 2006 FCC
2009 SSLRC
Yumesuruga ゆめするが【夢駿河】
Kanji almost never used.
Suruga Dream. Suruga is a former province located in central and northern Shizuoka Prefecture. 2012 SSLRC
New leaves of Yumewakaba Japanese tea cultivar from AgriKnowledge Yumewakaba ゆめわかば【夢若葉】 Dreamy New Leaves 2006 FCC
2008 SSLRC
Yutakamidori ゆたかみどり【豊緑】 Abundant Green Unregistered

To be added in future updates:

  • Houryoku (unregistered)
  • Surugawase (unregistered)
  • Fujimidori (unregistered)
  • Kuritawase (unregistered)
  • Kurasawa (unregistered)
  • Ouiwase (unregistered)
  • Gokou (unregistered)
  • Komakage (unregistered)
  • Samidori (unregistered)
  • Oguramidori (unregistered)
  • Ujimidori (unregistered)
  • Karabeni (unregistered)
  • Tadanishiki (unregistered)
  • Benitsukuba (unregistered)
  • Misaki (unregistered)

This page is a work in progress – watch this space!

If you’re really interested in Japanese tea cultivars, come back every so often. We plan to continually update this space until we have a wide database of as many Japanese tea cultivars as we can, information about them, what they are used for, etc.

Some of this information is incredibly difficult to find in English, but we wanted to make it available to the English speaking world who appreciate Japanese tea. Thank you kindly for your patience!

Australian Tea Masters




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